Getting started with Premium

If you've just purchased Sx Bot Premium, there are couple more steps that we need you to complete.

1. Give your server information

This is important so that we can enable the premium features for you. You have several different options on how to accomplish this:

• Send a message on Patreon, and include your server name or ID.

• Join our Discord server and DM PKASH with your server name or ID.

Most of the time, Premium is enabled within minutes of signing up. Rarely, it could take up to a few hours.

In order to get the special Patron role within the Sx Bot support server , you will need to link your Discord account to Patreon. If you're not sure how to link the accounts, follow this guide on the Patreon help center.

3. Join our support server (optional)

Join the Sx Bot support server to receive an exclusive Patreon supporter role, priority support, and important announcements about updates and new features.

Congratulations! Sx Bot Premium is now setup in your server. It was that easy!

Last updated