Setup Discord Go Live Notifications

How to setup Going Live notifications in your Discord server

Set up your notification channel

1. Invite the Bot if you haven't already.

2. Add a streamer to announce in your Discord. Example:/twitch add xqc #stream-notifications

3. Test the stream notification message. (optional) Example:/twitch test xqc

That's it! Anytime the streamer you added goes live, you will now receive a going live notification to the designated channel.

Customize the notifications

Title Filter

1. Filter notifications by title name. (Requires filter word to be in stream title) Example: /twitch edit xqc title-filter No Pixel

This is particularly useful for GTA RP/FiveM servers to only send notifications if they have filtered word in the title.

Stream announcement message cleanup

1. Choose whether to edit or edit the announcement message when a stream ends. Example: /twitch edit xqc clean-up edit

Editing a message will show stats such as total stream time, and also link to the VOD.

Remove a streamer

1. Remove a streamer from the streamers list. Example:/twitch remove xqc

View the current streamers list

1. Show the current twitch streamers list. Example:/twitch list

Notification Cooldowns

By default, there are no cooldowns on notifications. That means each time you go live, a notification will be sent to the channel. Some users may prefer to put a delay/cooldown in between notifications in case their stream restarts and rather not send another notification. To enable this, use /twitch edit and choose the cooldown option followed by the amount of time such as: 5m for 5 minutes, or 1h for 1 hour. You can also use the format 5 minutes or 1 hour.

Last updated