How To Setup Sub Integration Discord Roles

Follow these simple steps to integrate subscriber roles with your Discord server using Sx Bot.

Step 1: Invite Sx Bot

  1. Click here to invite Sx Bot to your Discord server.

Step 2: Set Up the Kick Subscriber Message

  1. In your Discord server, type /kick subscriber role.

  2. Fill in the necessary details:

    • Streamer ( streamer name)

    • Discord Channel (where embed will be posted)

    • Role (the role to assign to subscribers)

Step 3: Optional Settings

You can also customize the following:

  • Message: Add a custom message for the embed.

  • Title: Set a custom title for the embed.

  • Grace Period: Choose how long the role stays after a user unsubscribes (e.g., 1 day, 1 week, or indefinitely).

Step 4: All Done!

Your subscribers will now automatically receive and manage roles based on their subscription status on!

Last updated