Setup Boost Notifications
How to setup customizable boost notifications, messages, tracking, and alerts in your Discord server
Set up your boost notifications channel
1. Create a channel for boost notifications if you haven't already.
2. Configure the bot to send boost notifications to that channel.
Example:/boost channel set #boosters
Make sure the System Channel is set and Send a message when someone boosts this server is enabled. Sx Bot also needs access to view the system channel.
2. Edit your channel's settings, and go to the "Permissions" tab.
3. From the "Roles/Members" selection, add Sx Bot.
4. Allow Sx Bot to have the following permissions in the channel:
View Channel
Send Messages
Embed Links
Attach Files
Use External Emoji
Mention @everyone, @here, and All Roles
Give an additional role to boosters
1. Create a role to give users who boost if you haven't already.
2. Configure the bot to give users the role upon boosting the server
Example:/boost support-role set @supporter
Customize your boost message
Last updated