Setup Discord Live Notifications

How to setup Discord voice streaming notifications in your Discord server

Create a live role (optional)

1. Invite the Bot if you haven't already.

2. Create a live role if you haven't already.

3. Configure the bot to the live role you created.

Example: /discord-live role set @Live on Discord

4. Setup a whitelist role to allow only members with this role to receive the live role. Example: /discord-live whitelist-role set @Members

5. You can turn on onlystreamers mode which will only allow users who are manually added to the streamers list to receive the live role. Example: /discord-live only-streamers enable

Creating the live role is optional is will automatically give members a specific role when they begin streaming. It's not required for the notifications to be sent.

Set up your notification channel

1. Invite the Bot if you haven't already.

2. Create a channel for stream announcements if you haven't already.

3. Configure the bot to send stream notifications to that channel. Example: /discord-live channel set #stream-notifications

4. Edit your channel's settings, and go to the "Permissions" tab.

5. From the "Roles/Members" selection, add Sx Bot.

6. Allow Sx Bot to have the following permissions in the channel:

  • View Channel

  • Send Messages

  • Embed Links

  • Attach Files

  • Use External Emoji

  • Mention @everyone, @here, and All Roles

Add the streamers

1. Add the streamers.

Example:/discord-live streamers add @user#2041

That's it! Anytime the streamer @user#2041 goes live in a voice channel, you will now receive an alert to the notifications channel you set.

Ping a specific role (optional)

1. Ping a specific role instead of @everyone

Example:/discord-live ping-role set @stream notifications

2. If you want to turn off pings altogether

Example:/discord-live no-ping enable

The notifications will be sent silently without mentioning anyone!

Live Logs (optional)

  1. Setup a log channel to keep an audit lot of the live role Example:/discord-live log-channel set #live-logs

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